Hi yes but only salvation can unlock it, we are told that this is the true state of human life, and we are to strive towards accepting the free gift of salvation, Romans 6:23. There is no other way to unlock it you can't hit your head and suddenly you can do math or find some hidden talent. But that does happen to people, it is not salvation.
We can go to school and learn things stored in our memory, but it is not our own wisdom it is someone else' that we have learned and remembered. Each of us have our own intelligence that we use not someone else' this is referred to as true knowledge. It is interesting that what we have learned before receiving salvation may not be wisdom at all even though we have studies years in school to acquire it. In the Bible it explains that salvation will be revealed to all the chosen ones, 1 Peter 1:5. Once it is revealed and the instructions are provided on how to achieve the gift provided by God's Kingdom, keep waiting for changes to occur within and once you have it you will know.