In today's world there are a lot of people that are homeless, jobless, and without family and friends in anyway, 2 Timothy 3:1-5. This might make you feel downcast without anything to hope or look forwards to. This is a result of the world that people have created for themselves and the pitfall of human nature, Psalms 49:6-13 (TLB).
The Bible has promises in it and these promises give hope to people that resolve issues that weigh down on ordinary people, Proverbs 35-6. Since we are made to be under the control of God the realization of what life can be like without divine guidance is something humans must learn. The promises of the Bible compound the essence of salvation and what happens when we are granted this "gift" from God, Romans 6:23. I read this passage and I think modern day technology can provide many comforts in life. But is there a difference about God's promises under the Kingdom in which we are unaware of!?
Another passage at 1 Corinthians 2:9 that says, "eyes have never seen nor ears have heard, nor has it been imagined the things God has prepared for those that love him". I first read this passage and it stayed in the back of my mind always since I did indeed wonder what the kingdom can offer in the form of salvation that we do not already have in this modern time. I asked if the Kingdom promises are really and uniquely different so that we cannot even imagine in our own minds the things God planned for the future. I remembered the Lord's Prayer: "Our Father which art in heaven hollow be thy name, let your kingdom come"!
So, I questioned the Kingdom with what I see as salvation to be as recorded in the Bible. Will the Kingdom of God: - Restore faith in ourselves and the future? Isaiah 65:17-19. - Will the kingdom reverse the live of our families that have grown old and then die? John 5:25-29, Job 33:25, Revelation 21:3-4. - Will the kingdom help me build and maintain lasting friendships that are satisfying? Ephesians 4:20-24. - Will unemployment be unheard of because of God's Government? Isaiah 65:21-24. - Will the Kingdom fulfil my most cherished desire so that I feel accomplished beyond my wildest dreams? Psalms 1:1-3, Psalms 37:3-4, Psalms 73:23-24. Isaiah 35:5-6.