Hi, I believe it is a good thing, there are simply too many people that work for the government. So many people that it is hard to keep tab on all the workers. Corruption is widespread and many programs are strongly inferior. People have given up looking for FEMA to provide some kind help. The countries today have just too many citizens it is impossible for the current government to keep up and give the right action for any given situation. The money is simply not there. There are many mistakes made and the government simply does not have the answers or know what to do about situations today, Proverbs 3:5-6.
The Bible implies that God rule is the best concept for a world with billions of people. The governments are also people and they make mistakes. God is not human, nor will the same mistakes be made, Psalms 37:3-4. A world under God will surely look different and the citizens will also be involved. When God emphasis that salvation or perfection will resolve mankind's troubles it is something to really look forwards to instead of having to rely on a government for every single issue or troubles peoples have, Romans 6:23. So salvation gives people tools they need for some independence that makes their lives easier, Matthew 6:33. This is nevertheless, the goal of God's Kingdom as the will of God for the earth, Matthew 6:9-12. So, the first step in creating a new heaven and a new earth is to reveal to people that they require salvation and need to work on improving their lives, Isaiah 65:17-19. The great Tribulation as the test for whole earth will help people come to this acknowledgement, Revelation 3:10. Once that is done, we can start on a wholesome relationship where God will bestow salvation on chosen ones, Matthew 24:30-31.