In the dictionary the word Apocalypse means: The complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation. This event is associated with God and has a timeline in the plan of God for Salvation. In the Bible this event is the final destruction of unrighteous people that cannot endure the Second Coming of Christ, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10.
For a long time, we waited to find out what this event will be and in 2019 it was revealed to have started as a novel coronavirus mutation COVID-19. This particular virus works to release genetic information that is an apocalypse gene that is held in check and works with a release virus. The virus itself is not deadly it works only as a release for the information within the genetic marker known as the apocalypse information unlock.
We have lived with COVID-19 since it was discovered by the Chinese in the city of Wuhan, and we understand the worst-case scenario created since the virus has been discovered. A lot of people have died from the diseases released by COVID-19, but no one has died from the virus itself. Since this is an Apocalypse Genetics it is scheduled to complete it intended purpose soon and this is the beginning of the Second Coming of Christ.