Hi, I like your question, first off, I would say God is sorry that you must be in this position. The Kingdom of God was created for situation as this to help its subjects get out of situation like this. How could the kingdom help? The best way would be to go back in research of what Jesus Christ preached as announcement of the qualifications that the kingdom will have on the subjects once it begins, Luke 9:11.
(1. We know that God's kingdom is the only hope for mankind expressed at Daniel 2:44–45 and Revelation 11:15,
- by granting salvation and allowing the mind to improve expressed at Revelation 21:4
- changing conditions of how the world works so that people are no longer poor, by providing stable work and improving the ethnics of working habits expressed at Isaiah 65: 22–23.
(2. Now in expanding the points I will talk of the kingdom's goal,
- when Jesus Christ did miracles these miracles helped people see what salvation can do for the body, perfect sight, hearing, withered hands made straight, all health was reversed and people were no longer sick, Acts 5:16.
(3. Another feature of salvation is that people's mind grew to become more intelligent naturally that was not expressed during the miraculous works of Jesus Christ. People will be able to understand, and reasons differently than they do without salvation administered to the body. In other words, we become natural scholars in all areas because that is what salvation does it opens all regions within the brain which are locked away without salvation, Job 33:25. How can intelligence be used in the future?
- the condition of the world today means people are unemployed and cannot get job in many places on earth for several reasons which is too extensive to address in this post.
* However, the kingdom will totally address these issues to eliminate them, so a better work environment is created.
* The jobs offered to people today are not the best of quality so the kingdom will be focused on creating and promoting better jobs for its subjects.
* When these issues are conquered a domino effect will happen so that a better environment will exist, and better jobs created in one place after another that will balance the earth and cause work to abound, and unemployment will become a thing of the past.
- The habits of the working world have to change so people can thrive within the (new) working environment and jobs created by the kingdom.
- There will be no more cheating people and raising prices of goods too high so that people are unable to afford things.
- The minimum wage will be a thing of the past, so the quality provided by the government of God will match all conditions created by it.
All of these things are goals of the Kingdom of God, and the millennium will be the time where the government of God will globally attack these issues to provide a better world for all those granted salvation, since the kingdom created perfect people as one of its goals now it must focus on improving conditions so that perfect subjects of God's government will thrive, Revelation 22:3-5.