Hello to you I am interested to know how you come up with this question, very interesting indeed. In regard to the Scriptures because of so many different customs based on racial culture, it may be one habit in some countries and a totally different cultural habit in another country. So, when we travel “Abroad” to different place we encounter cultural differences. The passage at 1 Corinthians denotes this clearly by stating:
1 Corinthians 10:23
Easy-to-Read Version
Use Your Freedom for God’s Glory
23 “All things are allowed,” you say. But not all things are good. “All things are allowed.” But some things don’t help anyone.
The passage above expresses that under the Law of Christ we are free to make many decisions with our own trained mind, Hebrews 5:14. Never does it say that we are simply free from the Law of Moses to break any of the laws, they are still valid until we receive salvation. Why is that? Because at that time the prophecy regarding salvation will use the same laws that will be transferred into a new condition explained at:
Jeremiah 31:31-33
Living Bible
31 The day will come, says the Lord, when I will make a new contract with the people of Israel and Judah. 32 It won’t be like the one I made with their fathers when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt—a contract they broke, forcing me to reject them, says the Lord. 33 But this is the new contract I will make with them: I will inscribe my laws upon their hearts, so that they shall want to honor me;* then they shall truly be my people and I will be their God.
The information at 1 Corinthians 11:16 should be read in full starting at verse 11–16 and the passage itself speaks clearly, I need not say anything more.