Hi, I would believe that the Hebrew prophet Moses was one of the characters of the Bible. Moses is said to have written the first five books of the Torah, he is simply a character and of course the writer of Genesis is God. But you may ask why did God say people wrote the Bible books if it was God that actually did it? Well, there are several reasons God intended to contact humans but until that time God was quiet, sin was widespread on the Earth and God felt remote because of it. The growing number of atheists is ever increasing as time passes. Because of these reasons God felt that it would be easier if humans were involved as the servants God used, 2 Peter 1:19-21.
Since the Bible was written and released near our common era God felt it was best. Another point is that God focused on the information in the Bible and how it would affect people. This was more important to God. The characters should be larger-than-life in which they can support worship or worshiped well until the character of Jesus Christ was created. Then Jesus will be the model servant that God would use to save all of mankind. This is the plot and the intentions of the Holy Bible, Hebrews 12:1-3.
As an example of the work that Jesus Christ would do, (1. The character Moses freed the Hebrews from slavery, created the nation of Israel, and installed the Judaism religion to request for salvation. (2. When the Messiah comes, he will create a new religion called Christianity founded by faith that embraced the whole world along with the Jews that provides salvation, Galatians 3:23-25. (3. At the Second Coming of Christ the establishment of God Kingdom will provide salvation to all, Revelation 11:15.