Proverbs 27:11
Living Bible
11 My son, how happy I will be if you turn out to be sensible! It will be a public honor to me.
Hi, lets first look at the passage the conduct of God’s Chosen Ones is wise and sensible, and this will lead to getting support from God and silencing the devil’s accusations of any person claiming to be God-fearing. What passages in the Bible help us define the wisdom related to the Scripture at Proverbs 27:11?
Proverbs 23:15-16
Living Bible
15-16 My son, how I will rejoice if you become a man of common sense. Yes, my heart will thrill to your thoughtful, wise words.
Zephaniah 3:17-18
Living Bible
17-18 For the Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will give you victory. He will rejoice over you with great gladness; he will love you and not accuse you.” Is that a joyous choir I hear? No, it is the Lord himself exulting over you in happy song.
2 John 4
Living Bible
4 How happy I am to find some of your children here and to see that they are living as they should, following the Truth, obeying God’s command.
Job 1:8-13
Living Bible
8 Then the Lord asked Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth—a good man who fears God and will have nothing to do with evil.”
9 “Why shouldn’t he when you pay him so well?” Satan scoffed. 10 “You have always protected him and his home and his property from all harm. You have prospered everything he does—look how rich he is! No wonder he ‘worships’ you! 11 But just take away his wealth, and you’ll see him curse you to your face!”
12-13 And the Lord replied to Satan, “You may do anything you like with his wealth, but don’t harm him physically.”
So Satan went away; and sure enough, not long afterwards when Job’s sons and daughters were dining at the oldest brother’s house, tragedy struck.
Looking online what is the explanation of sensible -
What does sensible mean?
1: having, containing, or indicative of good sense or reason: rational, reasonable sensible people made a sensible answer. 2: designed for practical ends (such as comfort) rather than for appearance sensible shoes.
What is a sensible person?
If you're a sensible person, you're level-headed and calm, and you make wise decisions. ... Sensible comes from the Latin sensibilis, meaning "perceptible by the senses," a meaning that eventually evolved into "having good sense, reasonable."
What is a sensible woman?
adj. 1 having or showing good sense or judgment. a sensible decision.
12 Sensible Ways to Realize Self-Responsibility?
Self-responsibility is recognizing that you are responsible for your life—that you are the sole master of yourself. Responsible people take charge of themselves, their conduct, and the consequences. Here’s how to live self-responsibility and approach work and life proactively:
- Accept that no matter what happens, you’re not a victim. Never feel sorry for yourself or engage in self-pity. What’s important in life is not what happens to you but how you react to what happens to you.
- If something bad happens in your life, don’t let it define who you are. Don’t make it your excuse for not moving ahead. Don’t brood over it without end. Understand it, learn from it, and get on with life. Make it be a part of you without letting it being who you are.
- Don’t look back too often. Dwelling on the past deprives the present of its joy and prevents you from enjoying each day to the fullest. Open yourself up to today’s new opportunities. The ability to rebound quickly from failures and disappointments is one of the key differentiators between successful and unsuccessful people.
- Life is what you make of it. You are solely responsible for the choices in your life. You cannot blame others for the choices you have made. You alone are responsible for what you choose to think, feel, and act.
- Don’t engage in wishful thinking. Face reality and make the right choices based on that reality. Learn to play the hand you’ve been dealt. Anticipate and plan—the best time to change is when you want to, not when you have to.
- Be willing to let go of the life you’ve been hoping for. Challenge your beliefs about what you can and can’t do. Life the life that is waiting for you.
- Don’t operate life on the assumption that the world ought to be fair, just, and objective. You are neither entitled nor not entitled to good treatment. American comedian Jerry Seinfeld once said, “I tend to accept life as it is. … I’m not one of these ‘Life isn’t fair’ people. I tend to accept whatever the limits are, whatever the rules are.”
- You do not have as much control in life as you would like to have. You cannot influence or affect people and events. You have power over only your life and the choice of your attitudes and actions.
- Care less for what other people think. Listen to your friends and loved ones, but don’t become dependent on what they think of you.
- You are your best cheerleader. Surround yourself with kind people who love you and encourage you. However, do not depend on others to make you feel good about yourself. Protect and nurture your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
- Take an honest inventory of your strengths, abilities, talents, virtues, and positive points. Pursuing your strengths is the key to becoming productive and happy. Identify the limits of your abilities and your time and say ‘no’ to things you know you can’t do well.
- When stuck, be grateful for everything that life has offered you. Turn your focus from something you don’t want to something you do want. Take a baby step forward—consistently acting in small ways toward your goals will give you a sense of possibility, power, and accomplishment’