Hi, the answer to that is that a timeline is followed, and the preaching initiated by Jesus Christ had not been established yet, so the information of the New Testament would not be understood. The prophet Daniel introduced the title Messiah at Daniel 9:24–27. Next at Daniel 12:1–2 it expresses that the Messiah’ name is called: Michael a great prince as leader and has a book with all the peoples name inside it who will escape the Great Tribulation. The Bible relates that Daniel received all his information via a dream or through angelic guidance sent from God. This is all the prophetic information given to Daniel and his role ends there.
However, the book of Revelation reveals the end times prophetic picture spoken through Daniel and the New Testament does use quotes to the prophet Daniel to recall his prophecies but just not mentioned by name in the Book of Revelation. The reason for this is to create hardcore Bible followers that can remember passages of Scripture from The Old Testament that is again retold in the New Testament.