Hi this would mean humans never die and the world you see today never ends. I guess what you actually mean is if decent honest respectable humans were given eternal life would that start a golden age forever for humans? If science can find a combination of correct genetics, will it result in eternal life? That is actually two questions, if science could find the keys to unlock humans' genetics as opposed to God allowing people to access to the elements that lead to gaining eternal life? God has already promised salvation or transhuman to billions of people, some have died waiting for the gift from God and many of us alive are still waiting. The Bible says at the end of days God would reveal salvation, 1 Peter 1:5 this makes it hard for scientist to find the "gift" of life first and give it to people. Secondly God promised salvation to Christians only and it is observed through religious practices, meaning non-believers could not partake of a spiritual "gift" without religious belief, 1 Corinthians 2:14-16.
Now it is time to ask why? Because it is bounded by faith and led by faith and a non-believer could not know how to apply the gift of life, John 3:16. Secondly it is offered only to religious people so that even if they belonged to a different church they could still easily partake of the gift since they have "faith", Hebrews 11:1-3. This calls for true faith that is not false and not to practice a false religion. It also calls for certain conduct which was correctly displayed by Jesus Christ which could be taken to the next level, 1 Peter 2:21. That is why we are encouraged to follow in Jesus' footsteps, by using the life of Jesus as an example people could be made ready when their Lord finally arrives. The Lord won't come empty handed he would come with the Kingdom of the heavens, that is why we wait on the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus because he is supposed to come to bestow salvation to all whom he chooses, Matthew 24:29-31.