Hello, the Great Tribulation is already here on earth beginning with COVID-19 and we are no longer waiting for that. The Antichrist has already appeared being Adolph Hitler during WWII, history tells us of the reign of Nazi Germany and what happened during that time. The two witnesses of Revelation have already completed their run and the Good News of the Kingdom has touched everywhere on the earth, Revelation 11:1–14. The visible establishment of God’s Government will appear soon, and all will be able to see the effects very clearly.
Matthew 24:29-30
Names of God Bible
29 “Immediately after the misery of those days, the sun will turn dark, the moon will not give light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the universe will be shaken.
30 “Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. All the people on earth will cry in agony when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds in the sky with power and great glory.