Hello, I read your question, but I am confused as to how the Two Witnesses from the Book of Revelation had some kind of clash with the Antichrist. There seems to be confusion on how to apply the prophecies in the Bible to modern times that show fulfillment,
(1. The Two Witness is a symbol for something
(a. - the number 2 means confirmation, 2 Corinthians 13:1
(b. - Sons of God on earth before the Great Tribulation/ Second Coming of Christ released, Revelation 11:4
(2. Trial, death, resurrection of the servants of God on earth before the Great Tribulation begins
(a. - Trial, Revelation 11:1–3
(b - Death, Revelation 11:7–10
(c - Resurrection, Revelation 11:11–13
(3. 6th trumpet blast heard = The Second Coming of Christ, 2nd Woe unlashed upon mankind, Little Scroll eaten
(a. -6th Trumpet Blast sign/order for releasing of the Great Tribulation, Revelation 9:13–15
(b. - 2nd Woe = Angelic cavalry kill off 666 servants spiritually uncovered dead by Great Tribulation, Revelation 9:16–21
(c. - First introduction of the 7 thunders to the world as the Second Coming of Christ, Little Scroll commission, Revelation 10
The Antichrist historically is shown to have already come in 1939–1945 during WWII, as Adolf Hitler. A documentary created 1997 and update 2016 displays the significance of the rule of Adolf Hitler- “7 signs of CHRIST’s Return”. The prophecies in Revelation still continue on there is no connection between the establishment of Gods Kingdom and the Antichrist during the modern era.
Revelation 13:4-5
Living Bible
4 They worshiped the Dragon for giving him such power, and they worshiped the strange Creature. “Where is there anyone as great as he?” they exclaimed. “Who is able to fight against him?”
5 Then the Dragon encouraged the Creature to speak great blasphemies against the Lord; and gave him authority to control the earth for forty-two months.