This is the story of the Tower of Babel and honestly, I feel you need more information. This is a story of a modern challenge made to God by the ever-growing atheist generation of people. They made a large building structure that reaches up into the heavens, not your normal high-rise situation. The movement is actually religious in nature and the people are seeking their freedom from God, Psalms chapter 2. The tower that the people were building clearly had a spiritual significance that you are unaware of. What information in the Bible tell us the true story of the Tower of Babel and what it means?
The Tower of Babel
Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-4
Living Bible
8 One of the descendants of Cush was Nimrod, who became the first of the kings. 9 He was a mighty hunter, blessed of God, and his name became proverbial. People would speak of someone as being “like Nimrod—a mighty hunter, blessed of God.”* 10 The heart of his empire included Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh in the land of Shinar. 11-12 From there he extended his reign to Assyria. He built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah, and Resen (which is located between Nineveh and Calah), the main city of the empire.
11 At that time all mankind spoke a single language. 2 As the population grew and spread eastward, a plain was discovered in the land of Babylon and was soon thickly populated. 3-4 The people who lived there began to talk about building a great city, with a temple-tower reaching to the skies—a proud, eternal monument to themselves.
“This will weld us together,” they said, “and keep us from scattering all over the world.” So they made great piles of hard-burned brick, and collected bitumen to use as mortar.
What Happened?
Isaiah 1:21-23
Names of God Bible
21 How the faithful town has become a prostitute!
She was full of justice,
and righteousness lived in her.
But now murderers live there!
22 Your silver is not pure.
Your wine is watered down.
23 Your rulers are rebels, friends with thieves.
They all love bribes and run after gifts.
They never defend orphans.
They don’t notice the widows’ pleas.
Divine Judgment
Psalm 49:10-11
Living Bible
10 Rich man! Proud man! Wise man! You must die like all the rest! You have no greater lease on life than foolish, stupid men. You must leave your wealth to others. 11 You name your estates after yourselves as though your lands could be forever yours and you could live on them eternally.
Daniel 4:29-30
Living Bible
29 Twelve months after this dream, he was strolling on the roof of the royal palace in Babylon, 30 and saying, “I, by my own mighty power, have built this beautiful city as my royal residence and as the capital of my empire.”
John 5:39-47
Living Bible
39 “You search the Scriptures, for you believe they give you eternal life. And the Scriptures point to me! 40 Yet you won’t come to me so that I can give you this life eternal!
41-42 “Your approval or disapproval means nothing to me, for as I know so well, you don’t have God’s love within you. 43 I know, because I have come to you representing my Father and you refuse to welcome me, though you readily enough receive those who aren’t sent from him, but represent only themselves! 44 No wonder you can’t believe! For you gladly honor each other, but you don’t care about the honor that comes from the only God!
45 “Yet it is not I who will accuse you of this to the Father—Moses will! Moses, on whose laws you set your hopes of heaven. 46 For you have refused to believe Moses. He wrote about me, but you refuse to believe him, so you refuse to believe in me. 47 And since you don’t believe what he wrote, no wonder you don’t believe me either.”
The Modern World
The whole point is that human nature has always been the same. The people stop building the tower and moved off into groups of people that "spoke" the same language. And I must also add that the language change is also a racial separation, this is the time when people started to section off into racial groups because it started by giving different language distinctions according to skin color. People noticed that the language they have spoken in also had the same racial features this is the reason why racial prejudice is deeply in grained because it all started when people noticed this situation at the Tower of Babel. People could not understand what each one was saying, and distrust seeped into their hearts as a byproduct of not being perfect. So, they separated off and today we are still the same way, each country is separated by language and skin color.
It had nothing to do with urbanization at all, at the time of the confusion at the Tower of Babel they already made cities and had smaller versions of urbanization. Only God can undo the disunity in the world. In order words people created disunity and prejudice because that is human nature and God promises an end of that way of living. When salvation is given out then you will be able to love your neighbors and be at peace with people all over the world. Amen.
John 13:34-35
Easy-to-Read Version
34 “I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other just as I loved you. 35 All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.”