Hi in this passage it is clear that Jesus and God have a unique relationship with each other. In writing the Holy Bible God wishes to provide a character that will be used by all as an example of how to worship God in the correct way, John 14:6. By creating the Son of God who was sent to show everyone the will of God, Hebrews 10:5. The Bible is the word of God for all humans in which the writings reveal the truth. How does Jesus Christ want to reveal circumstances that indicate that He is God?
John 5:19
Living Bible
19 Jesus replied, “The Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing, and in the same way.
Colossians 1:15
Easy-to-Read Version
The Son of God Is the Same as God
15 No one can see God,
but the Son is exactly like God.
He rules over everything that has been made.
Hebrews 1:3
Living Bible
3 God’s Son shines out with God’s glory, and all that God’s Son is and does marks him as God. He regulates the universe by the mighty power of his command. He is the one who died to cleanse us and clear our record of all sin, and then sat down in highest honor beside the great God of heaven.