Hi no what happened is the entire “project” was planned out first with a mission and a goal. There are millions of planetary systems within the universe, the Milky Way Galaxy was chosen to start an experiment with sin or imperfect among humans. The Earth was chosen as the planet within the solar system to place the experiment. Every item was developed to “research” Imperfection, Satan, etc..., the Bible was scheduled to lead humans towards salvation which ends the experiment and is called the Regeneration. All the information that you need is within the Bible itself and you won’t need anything more. When the reset commerce this is called the Second Coming of Christ a time when God intervenes in human affairs. This is called Judgment Day when a New Heavens (Government) and a New Earth (Subjects/Citizens) begins and where everyone is tested and then after invited to partake of salvation. This entire plan will take one thousand years, hence the name the Millennium.