Hi well the Bible is inclined to be poetic in prose so as to be deeply appealing to people as well as intelligent. This is important because it highlights the form that God intended to communicate with humans. A very unique and special way is that no matter what language is spoken the words of the Bible are understood and uses the same grammar style to address its reader. Modern translations make the Bible more and more clear as language proficiency develops.
The question can be asked why did God write a book or many little books? The first reason is that intelligence is cleverly installed as God’s format for addressing imperfect people and it also defined God as a superb scholar or the best the same as schools make classroom size smaller so that children can learn better. This means to say that God’s wisdom is to be trusted and God expects people to trust whatever is said as true and reliable. If the stories of the Bible are made up, then the characters used should be acknowledged as superior. God did not expect people to believe that an imagery story is real but only to address the quality of the story.