Good evening the beasts of Daniel are special in every way since they are governments that have been directed by God so that they DISPLAY awesome power as an example of God's Kingdom. The four Governments that took over world dominance are unique because they expressed governmental attributes that were outstanding in: (1. Military Strength, (2. Economic Growth, (3. Political Stability. As the dream in the Bible tells the story of these governments EXPRESSED AS NATURAL METALS that were really on the world scene, they showcased their administrative genius as the final days are drawing near, Daniel Chapter 2.
Throughout history we know of these governments, and we know of their power because they had a special name: SUPERPOWER NATION that controlled the whole world while they were on the stage as mighty governments. The First nation to attain to the status of Superpower Government - Babylon around 600 B.C. Key attribute standard = GOLD. Babylon was accredited for restoring its city and creating a new empire, strong emphasis is placed on how a fascinating city and surrounding government buildings were made. As the very first superpower its prime feature was that it was controlled by a single man.
As the empire of Babylon fell it was taken over by the next superpower nation: Medo/Persia - Key attribute standard = SILVER. The Median/Persian Empire was founded in 550 B.C. and had all the qualities as Babylon that were more closely watched. They continued on from the time of their founding with successions of rulers. Two tools that helped the Persians hold power was the famous Royal Road and the use of standard money united the kingdom.
The third superpower nation to emerge on the world scene: Greece - Key attribute standard = COPPER. In 334 B.C. they defeated the Persians and absorbing their empire. As time passed Greek settlers adopted new ways and a new culture emerged from blending Greek, Egyptian, and Eastern customs. The first leader of Greece in 461-429 B.C was Pericles a skillful politician, an inspiring speaker, and a respected general. He had three goals: (1. Strengthen Athenians democracy, (2. to hold and strengthen the empire, (3. to glorify Athens. During Athens' golden age, drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, and science all reached new heights. For 50 years (from 480 to 430 B.C.), Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning that continued to inspire and instruct the world.
As Greece began to decline a nation in the west grew from a small village into a mighty nation: Rome - Key attribute standard = IRON. The first king of the Roman Empire was Julius Caesar in 60 B.C. When he was murdered in 44 B.C. by the Roman Senate, Caesar Augustus became the next absolute ruler of Rome in 27 B.C. For 207 years under several different rulers peace reigned throughout the empire, this peace is known as the Pax Romana - Roman Peace.