Hi, the creation account written in the Bible is true. If the general idea is to be able to detect the different creative elements, which is what science is supposed to provide as a more detailed narrative then the entire point of writing the Bible will be missed. The Bible clearly identifies God as the universal creator and the book of Genesis gives the creation accounts as 7 days. Science should be mature enough to teach created elements and know that it could not have happened in 7 literal days. Maybe Science has a challenging attitude that is atheist in nature which disrespects God. What explanation does God have for this fact? 2 Peter 3:8 teaches that 1 day in the life of God is the same as 1,000 earth years.
This idea of time is different for God as it is for humans gives us a glimpse of time space and what it means. Human knowledge is very limited and without the information the terms cannot be guesses, neither can we make an educated guess. We will have to trust God since we have not found God to lie, Number 23:19. If dinosaurs existed the bones have been found by archaeologist in Australia nothing in the creation account tells us this except God made "wild animals", Genesis 1:25.