What will the world look like once the Great Reset has been fully implemented?
Hello thanks for the A2A. The Great Reset is a period of time after the End of the World and the beginning of Judgment Day. The End of the World is when God will personally intervene in human affairs to take vengeance on those that did not listen or obey about Christ, 2 Thessalonians 1:8–9. As to what the world will look like it will become a new heaven and new earth, Revelation 21:1.
Who will remain alive on earth, and will any populations or countries in the world be spared?
Since the whole world is put to the test as stated in Revelation 3:10 with the Great Tribulation, the same issues are addressed by people everywhere so that they are no longer separated. This will happen once the people began to acknowledge that God is the one behind the Great Tribulation this will take time. Once people can understand that communication is required then judgment Day can begin when people want to resolve issues and make true peace with God once and for all, Revelation 7:9. What information does the Bible have about who the Chosen Ones are?
Psalm 37:11
Living Bible
11 But all who humble themselves before the Lord shall be given every blessing and shall have wonderful peace.