In the Book of Revelation, a series of dreams was given to the Apostle John that tells the story of conquest of God’s kingdom on earth in the final days during the End of the World. As things progress towards deterioration there is a reason for this since it explains God's intervention in human affairs that leads to taking over direction of events that establish a new heaven and a new earth, Revelation Chapter 21.
Many people realize that the conditions of the Great Tribulation and its aftermath is not normal the same as it did during World War I and II. However, as it was in the past this will take time for the world to acknowledge. The information in the dreams of Revelation explain what it means for God to intervene in human affairs and to expose the nature of humans that change their lives that leads to establishing God's Kingdom/Government. Using true factors in exposing Hatred, Greedy, Prejudice, Egoism, desire, Jealousy, Overeating, Rage, Laziness often known as the seven deadly sins reveal the true Earth and all the works going on in it. The governments of this world along with its citizens must endure the catastrophe created by God that maneuver and mastermind each element of human nature that makes subjects fit for God's own leadership. In final triumph how does The Holy Bible reveal God's success in changing the world?
Revelation 21:1
Easy-to-Read Version
The New Jerusalem
21 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared. Now there was no sea.