Hi "a real and genuine housewife is a domestic goddess; she truly loves housework cooking cleaning etc..". This information comes from a book called Fascinating Womanhood. The information is relayed by a Christian woman that follows Biblical Scriptures and encourages her readers to do the same.
Always she loves order in the home no matter what. Her home is always in order period, her children are cared for and well behaved, they don't embarrass their families or their parents. There is a duty given to women and a real woman understands her role, she is quiet without drama and rudeness or anything loud. These are important qualities because she is a wife and could seriously embarrass her husband with unsophisticated behavior.
The family may own a business and it can be horrifying to the husband if her action is below standards and people are observing always. Stories can easily be spread that could hurt the public image; it is better to just let people use jealous gossip then to be seen in a shameful situation. Since it can be regularly identified that people are simply jealous. A housewife that wants success is always displaying model conduct.