Hello in the ancient Garden that the Bible tells all in a story of Eden in Genesis chapter 2–3, in the creation of the Garden of Eden what is the command that the Lord God informed the two people that settled there:
Genesis 2:16-17
Names of God Bible
16 Yahweh Elohim commanded the man. He said, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. 17 But you must never eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because when you eat from it, you will certainly die.”
What information does the Bible have for the words spoken by Eve in Genesis 3:3?
Genesis 2:9
Living Bible
9 The Lord God planted all sorts of beautiful trees there in the garden, trees producing the choicest of fruit. At the center of the garden he placed the Tree of Life, and also the Tree of Conscience, giving knowledge of Good and Bad.