The Holy Bible is a book of fabulous stories that tell of faith in God and his promise of salvation to people of every language. The Bible also tells of how God sees and knows places all over the earth. There are many interesting stories and situations that regard the earth and its billions of people as an introduction to God alone as a magnificent storyteller. First off, the character Jesus Christ does not exist and was created to show people how salvation will change the lives of true believers. The Old Testament proclaims to await the Savior arrival and the first four books of the New Testament expresses the worship and dedication that a perfect human would have, 1 Corinthians 15:45–49. All of the stories of the Bible are the works of God gift of religion and spirituality that is of course unique. The places where each divine story came from are real and I am overjoyed at seeing the faith of billions of people that believe in God and the promises that are made for each one that truly believes.
In truth I honestly cannot say I was sorry, for the purpose of the Holy Bible is clearly acknowledged and billions believed as it was meant to happen. Many have questioned the authentically of the miracles, which was never wrong or doubtful since they expressed God’s power to remove sin and death forever which humans have never witnessed. The true test of the Holy Scriptures was designed to ignition faith in all kinds of people, even those of atheist who believes in science in opposition to a sole creator. Well in just writing this post I am highly thrilled and feel satisfied with what has surrounded the book of truth faith.